Jesus of Nazareth played an important part in opening the way for every one of us into the Father's kingdom. However, that was not through His death on the cross, but through His overcoming death (UTC, p. 67).
That which died upon the cross was the consciousness of all mortal beliefs that hold us in bondage--such as sin, evil, sickness, fleshly lusts, and death--which He overcame (UTC, pp. 68-69).
The error lies in the belief that He was the only begotten Son of God, and that He overcame for us, and that by simply believing on Him we are saved (UTC, pp. 68-69).
Paul is responsible for...this throwing of the whole burden upon the blood of Jesus--that He was the great once-for-all bloody sacrifice, and that no other would ever be necessary. Jesus said..."Follow me." He meant; do as I do. I have overcome, now by following in my footsteps you shall overcome (UTC, p. 69).
Being born again or from above is...the establishment of that which had always existed as the perfect man idea of Divine Mind (SB, p. 25)
To "know thyself" is to know that you are I AM and not flesh and blood. It is this I AM that is born of the flesh and born of Spirit (SB, p. 206).
The eternal life taught and demonstrated by Jesus is not gained by dying, but by purifying the body until it becomes the undying habitation of the soul (UM, July 1922).
We believe the repeated incarnations of man to be a merciful provision of our loving Father to the end that all may have opportunity to obtain immortality through regeneration as did Jesus (Unity Statement of Faith, art. 22).